I am exploring the relationship between radicality and dialogue in communication and art.

Mind Crunch Weekly

  • The Gardener’s Struggle with Capital
    The protagonist of Jiří Havelka’s movie The Gardener’s Year (2024, available on Netflix with English subtitles) is a silent master of passive resistance. Not uttering a word, the Gardener endures violence, injustice, and the toothlessness of bureaucracy. In an astounding Gandhi-style struggle, he does nothing but exist and insist: like a boulder in the path… Read more: The Gardener’s Struggle with Capital
  • The Ruins of Utopia
    At the beginning of February, a major retrospective of Czech design just ended at the Sovovy Mlýny gallery. I managed to see it literally under the wire. Museum Kampa is a prominent example of a successful private and commercial art institution—a role model and apparent evidence of the self-sustainability of the capitalist model in the… Read more: The Ruins of Utopia
  • Blue Sky on Blue Monday
    Last Friday was the first sunny day in a long time. It is January, of course. Tough thoughts under the steel-colored sky are natural, right? It is always darkest before the dawn, just don’t take it too seriously. It’s just clouds, nothing else… Although “Blue Monday” is just a marketing ploy by a travel company,… Read more: Blue Sky on Blue Monday

A Manifesto

English subtitles available, turn them on via “CC” button.


Jan Motal
Katedra mediálních studií a žurnalistiky
Fakulta sociálních studií, Masarykova univerzita

Joštova 10
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic

E-mail: honza.motal@gmail.com